The iamallthatis Project at The Shepherd's Center in Winston Salem was a wonderful experience, I am so grateful for all of heartfelt connections that were made. The larger group amplified the energy that was shifted for all and created a safe and loving environment. I look forward to hearing about what unfolds for this group after their participation! Thanks to Susan Meny, a past project participant for providing the use of The Shepherd's Center facility. Thanks also to Shari Claire who did a wonderful job facilitating the larger group (of course she is a pro at this) but wanted to give her props just the same!
I continue to hear from people almost daily, telling me about the amazing things that have happened in their lives after participating in the project. Spontaneous reconnections with family and friends, being offered their dream job days after participating, financial success, love connections and so many other things that happen when stepping into their power and true authentic expression. Its such a beautiful thing and so inspiring to see people moving forward with no need to create situations or experiences that limit them or keep them stuck in old patterns. This is exactly the reason I wanted to share this work with others. These conversations with past participants just validate for me even further, the un-explainable power of this work!
I can't explain how or why it works, because it is an energetic shift and it works with so little effort, sometimes instantaneously. I can only share my experience and those of the project participants, stories that they choose to share, to give you an idea of what miracles can happen. My hope is that maybe you resonate with one of these stories and that instills hope in you, that you are not alone. Underneath all of our facades, we have ALL experienced some form of separation. We are all re-creating patterns in our lives and most of the time feel powerless to stop them or may even be completely unaware of the patterns all together and just feel that experiences in life are out of our control. We just wonder why the same things keep happening, same kinds of people (with different faces) or experiences keep showing up in our lives?
Those who are brave enough to get real and share their stories, inspire others to do the same, to step into their power and move past those old stories that are holding them hostage in the daily grind. It is called the Awakening by some and its all about the right timing. You can intellectualize others stories, but true understanding comes only through your own unique experience. Is it your turn to wake up and get real, living life consciously and stepping into your power?
More blog post coming soon, sharing stories and experiences from people who have participated in the project thus far! We may have a short documentary movie being filmed next month for the next project sessions this September in Raleigh. Stay tuned....
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