Thanks for your patience with project updates and I'm sure many of you are wondering what's up with the project travels (and website!).....
First of all, the iamallthatis project website "mysteriously" disappeared two days ago and the web company has no back up on the server...its gone! Perhaps I am being given an opportunity to re-brand the project and a new website (yes!). As the project itself has been majorly shifting and transforming, just as I have...of course it has... both my inner work and what I am sharing with others through the project is so intimately intertwined. As I become more clear, the vision and practice for the project becomes more clear and authentic as well.
I will explain more in depth about this clarity in vision for the project later....stay tuned for the new video and website coming soon! AND project travels will be announced and posted soon as plans continue to unfold...all exciting new changes and hey, they may change again...I'm unattached to however things unfold as I believe every change is for the highest and best...
I myself, have also mysteriously "disappeared" for a few months now, as I have been given so many opportunities to do more of my inner work and get more clear on my long term vision for the project. What is also very clear to me is that as I am growing, learning and changing on the fast track, the project too is transitioning right along with me in a major way. These last few months I have been working on letting go of ALL lingering stories and fears that no longer serve me and may be hindering or blocking my movement forward in any way....
And its been POWERFUL.....I've been fine tuning myself and the project into something quite magical and wonderous (is that even a word? Feels right, Magnificent perhaps!).
This process has been centered around LETTING GO of any and all ATTACHMENTS whatsoever!
Letting go of any attachment that my life SHOULD or should NOT be a certain way, or go in a certain direction (especially according to MY timeline and plan). Letting go of control, letting go of WHY things are a certain way, or why I am experiencing certain things... as all of these ways of thinking are put in place by FEAR. Behind these thoughts is a lack of TRUST... not believing that there is a plan for our lives and all is going according to plan. Trying to control and avoid perceived "negative" life experiences or thoughts that we need to control our life is just a mask for fear, a lack of faith and connection to the divine. But why would't it be that way, its all we have ever been taught, we are taught to live in fear and believe we are alone. We honestly don't know any different, UNTIL we CHOOSE to start questioning everything we have ever learned.
MOST importantly, I have been letting go of everything that is NOT ME authentically, which involves re-claiming ALL of the gifts and parts of me that were lost, disowned, denied and repressed over the years. AND believe it or not, everyone does this and has no idea what they have lost...but something inside feels incomplete. We give up parts of ourselves to fit in, be loved and accepted, usually at a very young age. We are taught what we should do and how we should live to be happy and accepted. Only problem is only YOU know why you are here, not someone else and when you don't live in alignment with your purpose, you will never feel truly satisfied or happy. We are taught from a place of fear and lack, our society is full of it, everywhere you turn, just watch the news, it governs our lives (literally!). Any pain we have ever felt in our life...can be linked back to an attachment or expectation involving a SHOULD...see if that rings true for you?...
Re-claiming and Re-connecting with these lost parts of myself, has brought so much peace and understanding...its almost like I don't have a need to ask or know why just supports me and I am truly understanding what being in the FLOW of life truly means. I understand what my purpose is, why I am here and what I have come to do....
I CHOOSE this transformation, I choose the awareness, I choose to take the responsibility for my life and change the things I don't want to keep attracting like a broken record, I choose to live life from and awake and aware perspective, I choose a true, authentic and fulfilling life... I refuse to live from a lack and fear based perspective. It's so much deeper than a "positive" perspective, covering shit with sugar...sorry to be so blunt, but lets be honest! I CHOOSE to live honestly, I choose to be free, I choose to say a clear no and a clear yes, I choose to surround myself with people who don't want to just talk about the weather and distract themselves from any conversation or looking within for that which is deep and REAL. I choose to walk the walk and not just talk the talk...This is LIFE, live it to the fullest or go home (again a little dramatic there, but seriously, can you feel my passion here?!) :). And its YOUR choice, most people don't know this lifestyle exists, because we only know and can relate to what we have experienced in the past and can't even fathom that we could live this kind of life, that it is possible to live any other way...
This project is transforming into a POWERFUL experience to show others what is possible... that they can live this way too, everyday and re-claim their gifts, their birthright and all of a sudden as they go through the process...everything starts to FLOW. Its not even explainable in words and sounds like BS to those who have not experienced it I'm sure, hell, they don't even know they want it, life has been the same for so long, it feels normal and safe. Why want for MORE? Because you have no idea what you are missing, that's why!
Know what else is POWERFUL, amazing and even a little scary?! We can also CHOOSE to feel our fears and move forward anyway, into the unknown, the ultimate test of FAITH and TRUST.
TRUSTING This rebirth process, like a snake shedding its old skin...which is not always comfortable and pretty scratchy actually, but its natural and we can fight it, thinking things SHOULD be different, or we can choose to live in FLOW... Accepting this amazing human experience, ALL of it, AS IT IS, and FEELING it all, every beautiful experience... THIS is life...fight or get to CHOOSE.
Yay Life! Be back in touch soon, promise with a more concrete travel "plan" as all unfolds!
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