I am a big believer in signs and synchronicities showing up in daily life as spirits way of communicating with us. I also believe that life will only show us what we believe, it mirrors back our stories and beliefs. For example if you believe life is a struggle and you have to fight for what you want or life is not fair, your experiences and the people who play roles in your life will show you your beliefs or "truth". If you believe that there is no such thing as "signs" from higher power (God, universe, spirit, whatever term you use to describe the energy around us) that signs and synchronicities are not real, guess what you will be shown?
We create our own lives, our realities are a movie of our making and the people around us are the actors that play roles, showing us what we believe. By questioning and changing our stories and beliefs we change our patterns and realities, we change our lives! Most of these stories and beliefs were made when we were children, learning from our parents, teachers, and media like tv, movies and now the internet and video games (scary) what our beliefs should be. No wonder we carry on family patterns, taking on our parent's stories and beliefs as a child. Our realities can also only consist of what we have already experienced and as a child we can only imagine what stories we make up, based on our limited experience, that then become our lifelong realities. Until we WAKE UP and start living consciously and in a state of awareness. Only then can we stop unconsciously re-creating the same old patterns and reality from stories we made up as a small and naive child, soaking up everything me learn like a sponge. The stories that mask our authentic being, who we really are behind the personality that we have created. This creation of a personality is based on our warped sense of reality and who people have told us that we are or SHOULD be (in order to receive love and acceptance and not be rejected by our parents or society). This personality is also based on a false sense of power being OUTSIDE of ourselves, not within and created from our parents fear based teachings.
I am sure my words seem completely foreign to some, because if you have not experienced something yourself, its almost impossible to see it as a truth. But the cool thing is, your higher self does know. There are so many people out there teaching spiritual messages, talking about "waking up" and self empowerment. Films like The SECRET and people like Oprah have brought some of these ideas to a mainstream audience. More and more people are starting to wake up and remember the truth of who they are and that they control their lives, not an outside source. Honestly, all of these people are spreading the exact same message, just in different words. It just depends on who's words you resonate with to help you to remember your truth, Colin Tipping, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle, Panache Desi, to name a few of the well known people out there spreading this message on a large scale. The other key, it is all about TIMING!! Not only is it about whose words might trigger your memory, but is it time for you to wake up?
It used to be the case that this timing would not happen until people were on their death bed and would awaken right before passing over, as "life flashed before their eyes". Now as the consciousness shifts and vibration of all gets higher, people are going through this process much earlier! Colin says that in the 1980's when he was doing his workshops, mostly people in their late 40's-60's were attending. Nowadays people in their late 20's-early 30's are also attending. Talking about my project with people, it surprises me that even some people in their young 20's understand and are starting their awakening process (or most likely they never really forgot their truth). Most people have heard of the indigo children. Children coming into this life who do not forget, they are here to help us all to move forward and remember as we all move towards a universal higher consciousness.
I know now, that this is my life's mission, to help others awaken and remember the truth of who they are. The project is my outlet in order to spread the word and to help as many people as possible, to raise the consciousness and vibration for all of us. When someone remembers this truth, their energetic vibration increases ten fold, which compensates for thousands who are not yet awake and vibrating at a low level. So not only is this self empowerment, it is global empowerment, as we are all connected and can change this world together.
Speaking of synchronicity, as I started this lovely rant, many signs have been showing up for me the past few days verifying my insight, that I should change my description this project from "a project incorporating healing and art" to a self empowerment project! How do you describe something so complicated in one short sentence? I think SELF EMPOWERMENT is a good choice, because after all...
A fun message from Jim Carey a friend shared with me last night, as he speaks at a college graduation. Who better to show that this awakening is being shared more main stream and in a light, fun way! Two of my favorite quotes he made in this speech...
"You only have two choices, to live out of love or fear. Choose love and don't ever let fear turn your playful heart against you".
"Someone more important than me, taught me that there is no one more important than me". Love!
Beautiful truth!