Friday, May 30, 2014

Our first group circle and a beautiful story that occurred afterwards

Saturday May 17th, Shari Claire facilitated our first group of five people for a self empowerment circle! Technically, it was six people, as I also participated in the circle as well, so we could each have a partner to work with. Shari has facilitated many groups and individuals with the Radical Forgiveness work. Technically, this was our first group in the project, as we had been working with individuals prior. As usual, I quickly saw that my participation was divinely guided by the universe, as my partner and I had almost the exact same old stories and beliefs (as was the same for the other two sets of partners). In fact everyone in the group just happened to have the same core beliefs, how synchronistic. The circle dynamic provided for a safe, loving and supportive environment, for all. We shared laughs and tears. The feeling of joy, peace and empowerment was so apparent when our session was finished for the day and everyone said they felt lighter. We all bonded and it was so lovely to have a group of people that connected on a deep level.  I am so grateful to have shared this experience with all of these wonderful, brave and powerful ladies and plan to carry out the group dynamic from here on out. 

After the day we spent together, I received emails telling me about the amazing breakthroughs, synchronistic encounters and miracles that were unfolding before everyone's eyes. 

Below is an email from one of the participants in the group whose sister passed away when she was three years old (her sister that passed was six years old). She shared this information with the group during our session. This trauma that happened to her at a young age created a belief that she was unworthy of living past the age of six, because her sister did not. This belief then set the stage for a pattern in her life that has been a reality until now. 

After completing the group session, she sent this email to all of the other group participants, sharing the miracles that were unfolding in her life. This is a great example of how quickly things can change when you shift the energy around your stories and beliefs. I believe it will lead to some family line healing to transmute the pattern all together and therefore not carry it forward to be played out in her son's life. I cried when I first read her email and it validated for me,  just how important this work is. This weekend we will be photographing each person's "after" photo from their new self empowered and aware positions. Each person will create their own background art to be incorporated into their photos, this art creation also serves as the integration step of the process. 

Hi Ladies,
I feel comfortable sharing this with all of you...

So much has happened in the past few days!  I can really feel the shift now and I can see how ready I have been for it too.

My mom called me today and informed me that she had removed a suitcase from her attic over the weekend.  She hasn't gone through it yet because she wants to do that with me and my sister.  The suitcase belonged to my sister and is full of her things.  We cried together as she explained how she held her grief to herself and now wants to share it with us so that we can move past our pain and anger (my sister has the anger and I have the grief).  I feel like I will finally be free of this pattern of creating situations where I take on too much, give all of myself and have nothing left for me except sadness and disappointment (The pattern started at 3 years old and I can see has repeated every three years).  

I have also worked through my feelings about my boyfriend leaving.  I am not sure what our future holds and that is fine with me as long as I get my time and space for myself.  I have also handled some other stressful situations that I have been procrastinating.  Actually, the solutions came to me like gifts.  Now, I just have to deal with the ex (I am so ready to have peace with him) and I can rest my mind and maybe even enjoy some free time :)

Yesterday after the call with my mom, I walked by three ladies. One switched her head towards me and said, "oh my there's some spiritual healing going on in here!"  I said, "yes there is, you can feel it?" she said "oh yes, it is strong".  So that left me feeling pretty excited too.

Just after that, (another person who participated in the group circle) walked in to my workplace and it was wonderful to see her and meet her sister!  Then immediately after, I met a series of people that I felt compelled to share an idea with and they were not only receptive but quite excited. This will be what moves me into a new career path!  The spirit is moving through me and I can really feel it now! It was like I was the walking dead and the breath of life has come back into me!

Between that test Saturday night in my first email and the call from my mom, I can't wait to see what happens next!
Like you, I want to help others! I want to do more workshops and connect people with this therapy.  It makes so much sense!  Please let me know of any upcoming events that I can participate in.  I am so looking forward to 6/1!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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