A friend was saying to me the other day, "I have a friend who "needs" to participate in your project".
When describing the project to others as "healing" work (seemingly a short and simple way to describe a complex process) I think it tends to make people think that participation in the project is only for those who are "troubled" or need help. I was inspired to write this post based on this comment from my friend, to explain how this project is for anyone who wants to start living their life to the fullest, not just those who feel as though they have some things to heal. Lets be honest, its always others that need healing, not us, right? We are perfectly fine, "normal" and happy and have no desire to change anything. We feel okay with the existence we are experiencing right now, its safe and normal, fairly drama free and we just "deal" (or rather use avoidance) with "negative" experiences as they come up. Drugs, alcohol, comfort food, staying busy, surfing the internet, call a friend to help you to feel better, all ways of not being present to the hurt or emotions we can't or don't want to deal with. Stuff those emotions back down and fast! Return me to my "normal" drama free existence pronto.
The ideas of unworthiness and not good enough are unconsciously lurking in the minds of most "normal" people. Most are totally unaware that they hold these (and many other untrue beliefs) in place, deep in the subconscious mind. These beliefs most likely started in childhood long ago and continue to create the same patterns, over and over in our lives.
This project is all about becoming AWARE of the subconscious beliefs that are holding us back from the most authentic expression of ourselves, from the life we desire and deserve. Once we are living from the perspective of awareness, we are unstoppable. We can start to manifest the life we want. This is the transformation of living unconsciously, to living a vibrant, present and aware existence. The project inspires the process of remembering and allowing yourself to live from your true nature & potential.
Notice how people only start to care about their well-being and make healthier choices once they are forced to, like when they are diagnosed with an illness? Its unfortunate that prevention, self love and care are not the norm in our culture. We honestly are just not taught how to love and take care of ourselves, we don't know how. We are taught to put others first, so we don't seem "selfish".
This idea of putting others first is particularly apparent in parenting, give everything to your child, they are number one. In this busy world of so much expectation to succeed and to acquire material things (to prove your success) how can anyone make time for themselves, especially with all the many complex roles we play? If you don't take the time or make the effort to properly care for yourself, how can you have the energy to properly love and care for others and what are we teaching our children as their role models? The constant feeling of being overwhelmed, not enough time or energy, not feeling present in your everyday life, too much responsibility, worried about the future and fearful about things that may happen, sound familiar? The cycle/pattern continues, right? No one really learns how to care for and make time for themselves, how can we, we are so busy proving ourselves worthy. Is it any wonder we all have the underlying belief that we are not good enough or unworthy, we make it an impossible task to be good enough!
You may not think that "not good enough or unworthy" are part of your belief system. Usually we are not aware of these unconscious beliefs that are played out like a loop in our heads, our constant companions. We make a mistake, we did or said something wrong, or did not do or say something we should have. We try ourselves in our own court of law and find ourselves guilty. We sentence ourselves to lack, suffering and scarcity. Just when we think we might actually be worthy of success, happiness, contentment, joy we slam the gavel down and sabotage ourselves. Take a minute to think back to a time (or times!) that you have done this in relationships, excuses as to why you can't have your dream job, spending money because you are not comfortable having that much in your bank account or never having enough in your bank account. The examples are endless as to the things we create in our lives from having these unconscious beliefs. I got this court and judge analogy from Panache Desi's book, "Discovering your soul signature". Great book, reading it right now!
Its true, people usually only decide to change their lives when a catastrophe happens in their life, when they decide they can't keep living unconsciously, the same patterns coming up over and over again. Only when they get cancer, go through a divorce, have a near death experience. It takes a lot for someone to step out of their comfort zone to make a change in their life, for the most part, it has to be so bad they can't stand it anymore. That is what we have been taught, don't fix it until it is broken or you are forced to! So what my friend said was true to some extent, the friend she was referring to that "needs help", may very well be in this place, about to hit her rock bottom or in it already.
Wouldn't it be nice to take charge and empower yourself, heal yourself before you get cancer or worse? We are so afraid of NOT stuffing down the emotions and possibly feeling them. Lets be honest, the body mind connection is so powerful. Its all that stuffing down, repression that makes us sick, keeps us in the same patterns, keeps us vibrating energetically at a low level, feeling disempowered and alone. Ever heard the expression what you resist persists? And it gets louder and more dramatic until you are finally forced to wake up and see it, to stop repressing. We have no room to connect with spirit and be present in that place of resistance and low vibration. That connection with the Universe, spirit, God whatever you call the power that connects us all, is what allows us to live authentically. We are here to experience all emotions and not judge them and OURSELVES as good or bad. I believe WE are here to FEEL and experience separation in order to also know what ONENESS is. You can't really know what something is or feels like until you also feel the opposite in your own experience.
It is so much more scary to live in that place of repression and resistance, than it is to open the box and let that old stuff go!! The peace and fulfillment that comes along with living from this aware perspective is priceless. We are all in this together and EVERYONE deserves to live fully, take the route of prevention and don't wait until you are forced into making a change!
We all deserve to shine in the full glory of our authentic being! LOVE and LIGHT~
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