Tuesday, November 11, 2014

iamallthatis project Angels, Girl POWERrrrrrrrrr!

Last month Shari and I witnessed another amazing group of women step into their power! The epitome of  Girl POWERrrrrrrrrr, this group! We laughed, we cried, we felt all emotions human and we did this united in a safe and loving environment of kindred souls.

Once you start breaking away the old stories that keep you stuck in repetitive life patterns, it opens a door to a freedom and power that is un-explainable, until it is experienced first hand. 

It is about you (the I AM) being re-introduced to the REAL you. Removing the mask, the judgements & the walls that have blocked you from living authentically in the past. This process allows you to come into and connect with your full potential, to share your authentic gifts with the world. The love and acceptance that follows, changes not only your life, but all of those around you. 

Many of the women who have participated in the project are mothers. One life-changing gift that comes with this self-love and acceptance, is the ability to then give this same unconditional love and acceptance to others. What an example to set for our children, one of self love and care. How many people were shown that example as a child?  Let's face it, in many generations past (our parents and grandparents) especially for women, the role played was that of the martyr, right?! Do for others and put yourself last. Children then experienced a resentful type of "love", because an overwhelmed mom was not getting enough (time, love, energy) for herself. Things are changing, thank goodness and women are starting to live from an empowered place, stepping away from the victimized archetype. We can now show our children what real love looks like. When mom is connected, aware and getting the energy she needs, there is more than plenty of love to go around, the healthy, un-resentful kind. AND we are releasing old family patterns that our children and future generations no longer need to play out! 

I feel blessed and grateful every day for the opportunity to share this experience with these amazing women, who inspire me and remind me that I can do anything I set my mind and my HEART to. I am a single mother, self-funding this project and I know that if I had not done this work myself, which further opened my connection to spirit (God, Universe, whatever you want to call it!) this would never have been a possibility. There is a force much greater than me at work here and I have a gratitude beyond words.

***NEWS, the latest on the project!***

Shari Claire is on the mend (she recently had knee surgery). I visited her today and she is in good spirits and healing nicely! After the Holidays, when Shari has a pep back in her step, we will be offering our first iamallthatis  project intensive full weekend workshop in Atlanta! To add to the excitement, Colin has graciously offered to participate in the Atlanta workshop. Colin will be giving a free talk to show his support for the project! Shari and I will also be traveling to bring the project to the Asheville area early next year at the aSHEville museum. Who knows what other surprises and locations spirit has in store for us as the project unfolds further!

I have been working on getting certified as a Radical Forgiveness coach myself, so I can continue with this work even after the project is finalized.  Honestly, between running my photography business, full time motherhood and the project, I  have not had much extra time to really hit the books! So as Shari is on the mend, I will be taking a little hiatus myself, to play catch up, work on my coach training and enjoy Holiday time spent with my little boy and family.

Art-photography sessions with this most recent group of project participants will take place at the end of November, so stay tuned for photos in December on facebook and the blog! 

Early 2015, Asheville, possibly Raleigh and a documentary and Atlanta, much fun to come! 

Also planning for a fundraiser for the project, possibly in February to celebrate the LOVE! Any volunteers to help me plan the event would be greatly appreciated! I have been self-funding the project thus far (with help from spirit!) but art supplies & travel are expensive and my goal is to be able to bring the project experience to 100 participants!

Please email me if you are interested in volunteering to help with the fundraiser event, katiekleinphoto@gmail.com

Happy Holidays, love, light and girl powerrrrrr! I say girl (woman to be more PC), but this is human empowerment, because really we are all ONE! Different from the idea of gender equality and stepping away from the idea that dis-empowerment can be caused by another, we each (male and female) step into our personal power (the greatest power of all). Another blog post topic entirely!

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